US accuses Hezbollah of funding war in Syria with drugs
Lesson Brief
CNN Arabic
On February 2, the DEA announced that it had uncovered a major international drug trafficking network run by Hezbollah to finance its activities in Lebanon and Syria. The DEA, with the help from international law enforcement from seven countries, carried out several arrests that stemmed from the monitoring of Hezbollah's cocaine smuggling network in the US and Europe.
Additional Vocabulary:
عبر |
(here) through | شخص ، أشخاص |
Person, people |
حول العالم |
Around the world | نتيجة ل |
Resulting from |
شبكة ، شبكات |
Network(s) | بقيمة |
worth |
تابعة ل |
Belonging to (f) | لصالح |
For the benefit of |
بهدف |
With the intention of | إلى جانب |
As well as |
عمليات إرهابية |
Terror operations | البحث عن |
Searching for |
من أجل |
(here) for | طريقة ، طرق |
Way(s) |
على حد تعبيره |
As he put it | ناطق |
Spokesman |
لبيع وشراء |
To buy and sell | السيارات المستعملة الفارهة |
Luxury Used cars |
بعض الأحيان |
sometimes | تعليق |
A comment |
Click and Match
- (here) funneling weapons to
- تَدَفُّق أسلحة له
- to impose / imposed on
- ْفَرَضَ على ، يَفْرِض / فُرِضَت
- to drain
- اِسْتَنْزَفَ ، يَسْتَنْزِف
- concealing
- إخفاء
- human levels
- المستويات البشرية
- to finance / financing
- مَوَّلَ ، يُمَوِّل / تمويل
- fighters
- مقاتلين
- the deterioration of oil prices
- تدهور أسعار النفط
- division(s) , section(s)
- قِسْم ، أقسام
- devastating attacks
- هجمات مدمرة