Ukrainian Ministry of Energy Refuses Russian Energy
Lesson Brief
The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy has refused the import of Russian energy, despite winter temperatures. Because of the ongoing conflict in the east of the country and the trade embargo with the Donetsk and Lugansk separatist regions, Ukraine is being forced to find energy elsewhere.
Suggested Set: How the Baltics are getting off Russian electricity
Click and Match
- to intimidate
- запугивать. запугать кого-нибудь
- trade embargo
- торговая блокада
- suppression, repression
- подавление
- unit, bloc, block
- блок
- coal
- уголь
- to consider, to examine
- рассматривать, рассмотреть
- unruly, not in control (adj.)
- неподконтрольный
- railway, railroad (adj.)
- железнодорожный
- carbon, coal (adj.)
- угольный
- impractical, impossible
- невыполнимый