Turkish – Russian Tensions Continue To Rise
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On November 27, BBC Arabic reported Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's comments that Russia was playing with fire regarding the crisis surrounding Turkey's downing of a Russian fighter jet on the Turkish-Syrian border. Despite Erdogan's warning, he did state that he does not desire a further deterioration of relations between the two countries and that he wishes to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
Click and Match
- the issue has been escalated
- القضية قَد صُعدت
- a Russian fighter jet
- مقاتلة روسية
- slanders, fabrications
- الافتراءات
- international legitimacy
- شرعية دولية
- rising tension
- التوتر المتصاعد
- plane downing incident
- حادثة إسقاط الطائرة
- to insist
- أَصَرَ على ، يُصِرُ على
- apology
- اعتذار
- To undermine Turkish interests
- قَوَّضَ مَصَالِح تركيا ، يُقَوِّض
- to a large degree
- الى حد بعيد