Tunisia Foils Terror Plot
Lesson Brief
Al Hurra
On November 17, Al Hurra reported that Tunisia foiled planned terror attacks that were scheduled to occur simultaneously with the attacks in Paris. According to the article, the attacks intended to target vital installations and hotels in the country in addition to assassinations that would plunge the country into a state of chaos. The attached video reports on another terror plot foiled by Tunisian authorities one year ago.
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- a cell
- خلية
- to target vital facilities
- إستهدف منشآت حيوية، يستهدف
- extremist
- متشدد
- dismantling a network
- تفكيك شبكة
- to confess
- اِعْتَرَفَ ، يَعْتَرِف
- explosives
- متفجرات
- spreading propoganda
- نَشْر الدعاية
- to confiscate rifles
- صَادَرَ بنادق، يُصَادِر
- a state of chaos
- حالة من الفوضى
- hotel(s)
- فُنْدُق ، فنادق