Tsunami Drill in Ashdod
Lesson Brief
Israeli rescue teams recently practiced large-scale tsunami drills in the cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon, representing the first time that the country has launched a nationwide emergency drill geared towards a tsunami. According to experts, an average size tsunami hits Israel every 250 years.
Click and Match
- significant event
- אֵירוּעַ מַשְׁמָעוּתִי
- residents were evacuated
- פּוּנּוּ תּוֹשָׁבִים
- blue wave, blue surge
- נַחשׁוֹל כָּחוֹל
- scenario
- תַרחִישׁ
- Tsunami
- צוּנָאמִי
- earth quake
- רְעִידַת אֲדָמָה
- rescue, saving
- הַצָלָה
- to drill, they drilled
- לְתַרְגֵּל , תִּרְגְּלוּ
- to raise awareness
- לְהַעֲלוֹת מוּדָעוּת
- gathering points
- נְקוּדּוֹת כִּינּוּס