Trump’s Refugee Freeze
Lesson Brief
On January 28, Euronews reported on President Trump's signing of an executive order restricting immigration from seven Arab countries to the US for the next 90 days and suspends the entrance of all refugees for 120 days. According to the new administration, the order is an effort to prevent the infiltration of radical Islamic terrorists. The order restricts immigration from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. By signing the order, President Trump followed through with one of his main campaign pledges.
Suggested Set: Assyrians Fleeing Villages in Northeastern Syria
Additional Vocabulary:
مواطن | citizen | ركوب الطائرة | Riding the plane |
من دخول | From entering | سمح ، يسمح | To permit |
بشكل خاص | In particular | لذوي | For those with |
وزارة الدفاع | Ministry of Defense, The Pentagon | داعية إلى | Calling for (f) |
هدف ، يهدف | To aim to | عملية | (here) process |
مطارات أمريكية | US airports | بطبيعة الحال | naturally |
بمجرد | Once, merely | تصنيف | Classification, classifying |
نزول | Departure, stepping off | العقود الأخيرة | Recent decades |
الاكتفاء به | Being sufficient with, satisfied with | موجة البرد | Cold wave |
هب على ، يهب على | To blow, drift |
Click and Match
- to embark upon, start
- ُشَرَعَ ، يَشْرَع
- to prevent
- ُمَنَعَ ، يَمْنَع
- (here) this is an injustice
- هذا ظُلم
- resettlement of refugees
- توطين اللاجئين
- snowstorms
- العواصف الثلجية
- refugee camp(s)
- مخيم ، مخيمات
- infiltration
- تَسَلُّل
- decree(s)
- مرسوم ، مراسيم
- humanitarian conditions
- ظروف إنسانية
- to break one's promise
- ُأَخْلَفَ ، يُخْلِف