Trump’s Inauguration

Lesson Brief Al Jazeera
On January 19, Al Jazeera reported on planned protests in Washington, DC aimed at disrupting the inauguration of incoming president Donald Trump. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend the swearing-in ceremony, which followed one of the most polarizing and unusual presidential elections in U.S. history. Suggested Set: The Trump - Clinton Debate Video Vocabulary:
الرئيس المنتخب The president-elect سياسته His policies
أدائه اليمين الدستورية Taking the oath لغز A mystery, riddle
ستتوج It will culminate in حلفائه His allies
خبرات حكومية government experience, expertise الإدارة المنتهية The outgoing administration
تغريدة A tweet هذه النقلة This shift
بدون أدنى شك Without a doubt عنصرية Racist (f)
أثار جدلا ، يثير جدلا To spark controversy التجريح defaming
 أطروحات Theses المعوقين The disabled
المثليين homosexuals

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