Tripoli Police Commander Assassinated
Lesson Brief
On August 12, Alaan reported that a security forces commander in Tripoli, Libya was killed by unknown assailants. The assassination occurs amid an increasingly unstable security situation in the country, with rival militias fighting each other and government forces.
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- routinely
- بِشَكْلِ روتيني
- to impose
- فَرَضَ ، يَفْرُضُ
- control over
- السَّيْطَرَة على
- transitional authorities
- السُّلْطات الاِنْتِقالِيَّة
- to kidnap
- اَخْتَطَفَ ، يَخْتَطِفُ
- rare
- نادِر
- to spray, rain down
- أمْطَرَ ، يُمْطِرُ
- reclaiming, reestablishing
- اِسْتِعادَة
- armed militias
- ميليشيات مُسَلَّحَة
- incapable of, powerless to
- عاجِز عَن