Tripoli, Lebanon Among Poorest Mediterranean Cities
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
An Nahar discusses Tripoli, Lebanon's recent economic struggles. The city, commonly referred to the capital of the North (of Lebanon), has traditionally been known for its old markets and soap industry, is now in disrepair. Much of the cities problems stem from sectarian tension and sporadic violence between Allawites and Sunnis, a situation exacerbated by the fighting in Syria.
Click and Match
- difficult circumstances
- ظروف صعبة
- treatment, care
- علاج
- person (lit. soul, spirit)
- نسمة
- compared to
- مُقارَنَةً بِه
- job (generally government)
- وظيفة
- to be distributed, to be spread out
- تَوَزَّعَ ، بَتَوَزَّعُ
- compensation(s)
- تعويضات
- tourist center
- مركز سياحي
- calling for
- مطالبة بِه
- basic components
- مقوّمات أساسية