Traffic Jams in Israel
Lesson Brief
Traffic jams, like everywhere else in the world, a daily reality in Israel. In this set, you will prepare to read a short article about major traffic jams caused by the collapse of street lights and prepare to watch a short video exploring the problem of traffic jams in Israel. The set features real world vocabulary that is essential if you ever take a cab or travel around Israel.
Click and Match
- to do errands
- לעשות סידורים
- a junction
- צוֹמֶת
- exhausting and tiring
- מַתִּישׁ ומְעַיֵּיף
- the malfunction was fixed
- התקלה תּוּקְּנָה
- the left lane
- הנתיב השמאלי
- life is good
- החיים דבש
- to relax
- להירגע , נרגע
- to solve
- לפתור , פותר
- (here) how long will this take?
- ?כמה זמן זה לוקח
- more vacant, open
- יותר פְּנוּיָה