Thousands turn out for a day of good deeds

Lesson Brief NRG
On March 24th NRG reported on the "Day of Good Deeds" that Israel joined in along with other countries around the world. 83,000 people from different sectors, ages, schools, and youth movements went out to aid people with special needs, pack food for Passover, repair and paint welfare institutions and more. Soldiers also participated in the day. One group, Wheels of the South, started their day by experiencing what using public transportation is like for people confined to wheel chairs or with other disabilities. In this set there are many words pertaining to community service and disabilities. A couple of interesting words here are אוזן קשבת - "a sympathetic ear", מרותק לקביים - "confined to crutches", and the two words for "disability" or "handicap" - נכות or מוגבלות. Also take note the unusual formation of the plural גילאים - "ages" from the singular גיל.  
Channel 2

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