The National Museum of African American History and Culture
Lesson Brief
On September 24, EuroNews reported on the opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. After decades of planning and years of construction, the museum opened near the National Monument and features extensive items and exhibits that reflect the African-American experience in this country, including artifacts and other items from the slavery and apartheid eras. The attached article is a somewhat jumbled transcript of the attached video but contains the same vocabulary.
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- to imitate, resemble
- حَاكَى ، يُحَاكِي
- finding real opportunities
- إيجاد فرص حقيقية
- to reflect a side of
- عَكَسَ جانبًا من ، يَعْكِسُ جانبًا من
- slavery and freedom
- العبودية والحرية
- they lived it
- عاشوها
- reconciliation
- المصالحة
- its contents
- محتوياته
- decades of planning
- عقود من التخطيط
- for discussion
- للنقاش
- a way of looking at
- طريقة للنظر إلى