The Muslim Brotherhood and the Jordanian Elections
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On September 23, BBC Arabic reported on the preliminary results from the parliamentary elections in Jordan. According to the first results, the Muslim Brotherhood party, the Islamic Action Front, and women representatives gained major ground in the elections. The Muslim Brotherhood was on the ballot in the elections for the first time in nearly a decade of boycotting the election system.
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Video Vocabulary:
سيطرة | control | نزاهة | integrity |
مجلس النواب / قبة البرلمان | Parliament | اتهامات بتزوير | Fraud accusations |
غياب | absence | برنامج رائع | A great program |
رموز | Symbols, icons | دَعَمَ ، يَدْعَمُ | To support |
ملامح | features | النواب الجدد | The new representatives |
عَزَّزَ المشاركة ، يُعَزِّزُ المشاركة | To strengthen participation | تقة | trust |
في رأي الخبراء | In the opinion of experts | التيار الليبرالي | The liberal movement |
قائمة | List, roster | اَحْرَزَ ، يُحْرِزُ | To achieve |
Click and Match
- boycotting
- المقاطعة
- prominent personalities
- شخصيات بارزة
- to join
- انضم إلى ، ينضم إلى
- executive powers
- الصلاحيات التنفيذية
- seat(s)
- مقعد , مقاعد
- the party's headquarters
- مقر الحزب
- to remove
- ُاَقَالَ ، يُقِيل
- The Islamic Action Front
- جبهة العمل الإسلامي
- to expect
- ُتَوَقَّعَ ، يَتَوَقَّع
- political alliance
- تحالف سياسي