The Kaparot Ritual
Lesson Brief
Israel's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched a PR campaign to encourage people to perform the Kaparot ritual using money and not chickens. Traditionally, Jews perform the Kaparot ritual between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The ritual consists of saying a series of prayers while circling a live chicken above your head, with the belief that you are transferring your sins to the chicken. The ritual can also be performed holding change above your head while saying the prayers near a running stream of water. The Ministry's campaign is an effort to prevent unnecessary animal cruelty and the spread of disease.
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Click and Match
- to dig a tunnel
- לחפור מנהרה
- (here) money
- פִּדְיוֹן
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- משרד החקלאות ופיתוח הכפר
- rules
- כללים
- chickens are slaughtered
- נשחטים עופות
- his dream
- חלומו
- hen house, chicken coop
- לוּל
- designated to regulate
- נועד להסדיר את
- to raise, start up
- להעלות , מעלה
- he will not fulfill
- לא יגשים