The International Space Station
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
The International Space Station was first launched in 1998 and at various times is the home of astronauts from around the world who conduct various scientific experiments and monitoring from laboratories and observation posts. The space station is in low Earth orbit and can be seen by the human eye from earth.
Suggested Set: 3 astronauts return to earth
Video Vocabulary:
سطح الارض | The earth’s surface | لمراقبة العالم | To monitor the world |
هي تدول | It circles, orbits | التغيرات المناخية | Climate changes |
استلزم ، يستلزم | To necessitate | الكون | The universe |
معداتها | Its equipment | على متن | On-board |
طول المحطة | Length of the station | إخلاء | evacuation |
الطاقة الشمسية | Solar power | ||
ساحة المعيشة | Living area, space | ||
مختبرات | laboratories |
Click and Match
- to land on
- للهبوط على
- for a few seconds
- لثوان معدودة
- a huge parachute
- مظلة ضخمة
- to separate from, be separated from
- لتنفصل عن
- to be ionized
- تأين ، يتأين
- International Space Station
- محطة الفضاء الدولية
- the mother planet
- الكوكب الأم
- faces and necks
- أوجه و أعناق
- a medical tent
- خيمة طبية
- (here) to include
- ُّضَمَّ ، يَضُم