The Gettysburg Address
Lesson Brief
On July 4, Foreigncy posted a blog about the Gettysburg Address, which commemorated the battle that ended on the same day in 1863. The Arabic version provided is based on publicly available translations with a few minor adjustments by Foreigncy. Its vocabulary is not particularly difficult; however, some of the sentence constructions are complex, as they are in the original English.
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- we cannot, it is not in our power
- ليس بوسعنا
- whether... or...
- سواء... أم
- (battle)field
- ساحة
- to give one's life, to die
- قَضَى ، يَقضي نحبه
- (here) to dedicate to, to make (something) based on
- وَقَفَ ، يَقِفُ على
- resting place
- مثوى
- devotion
- اخلاص
- equal
- متساوِ
- it is not possible for
- لا قبل له
- to give, to put forth (effort)
- بَذَلَ ، يَبْذِلُ