The Future of the TPP
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian
The Trans-Pacific Partnership has long been a much-discussed topic in the world of international trade. US President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to cancel America's plans to join the partnership once he takes office in January. Today's article focuses on what the partnership entails and how the refusal of the USA to participate disrupts those plans.
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- aggregate, set
- совокупность
- threat
- угроза
- duty, tariff
- пошлина
- on a share
- на долю
- to approve
- одобрять, одобрить
- foreign trade policy
- внешнеторговая политика
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Транстихоокеанское партнерство
- agriculture
- сельское хозяйство
- apparently, most likely
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- lawmaker
- законодатель