The Chinese “Power of Siberia”
Lesson Brief
As Europe's desire to rely on Russia for its energy need slowly drops, Russia has been working to secure buyers to the east. In addition to signing major energy deals with China, Gazprom has announced the construction of a pipeline called "Power of Siberia." The the pipeline is expected to begin in Kovyktinskoe and end in Khabarovsk, in Russia's Far East. On the pipeline will be an offshoot to China, coming from the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk.
Click and Match
- to buy out, to redeem, to ransom
- выкупать
- access
- доступ
- field, deposit (of minerals, gas, oil)
- месторождение
- visibility, semblance
- видимость
- to anticipate, to foresee, to envisage
- предусматривать/предусмотреть
- monopoly
- монополист
- clarity, evidence
- ясность
- invested
- вложены
- to purchase (usually referring to large quantities)
- закупать
- protracted
- затяжный