The American University in Cairo
Lesson Brief
AUC Egypt
The American University in Cairo is one of the premier universities in the region and offers a variety of liberal arts programs aimed at building cross cultural understanding and a mission of becoming one of the premier universities in the world.
The university has been a popular destination for students from around the world seeking a unique educational experience rooted in the cultural history of Egypt. This set will prepare you to read the university's About Us page in Arabic and will teach you critical educational vocabulary that will go a long way should you ever decide to study in Egypt or discuss your education.
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- development and enrichment
- تَنْمِيَة وإثراء
- non-traditional solutions
- حلول غير تقليدية
- to be based on argument
- اِسْتَنَدَ على, يَسْتَنِدُ على اَلْحُجَّة
- holding debates
- عَقْد مُنَاظَرَات
- analytical
- تحليلي
- mission, vision, values
- المهمة، والرؤية، والقِيَم
- a graduate
- خريج
- publications
- اصدارات
- non-profit
- غير هادف للرِبْح
- tireless efforts
- جُهُود دؤوبة