The 2017 AIPAC Conference

Lesson Brief Channel 7
On March 26, the Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer, spoke at the 2017 AIPAC conference in Washington, DC. The annual conference held each year by the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is attended by thousands of pro-Israel supporters and often draws high-profile speakers such as ambassadors and often Israeli prime ministers. Throughout Dermer's speech, he stressed that U.S.-Israel relations are closer than ever and highlighted the common goals of both countries for the Middle East. Suggested Set: White House May Boycott AIPAC Conference Video Vocabulary:
שדולה lobby דו מפלגתיות Bipartisanship
להתכנס , מתכנס To be convened קשרים טובים Good relations
אין הבדל There’s no difference וכוח argument
עמדה , עמדות Position(s) אתגרים challenges
הסכמות agreements עשורים decades
התנחלויות settlements חילוקי דעת disagreements
להקרין , מקרין To project    
מסרים מבולבלים Mixed signals  
רשות השידור

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