Terrorist Attack at Chinese Embassy in Bishkek
Lesson Brief
Московский Комсомолец
A suicide bomber attacked the Chinese Embassy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday leaving a large crater inside the embassy walls. All of the facts are not clear at this moment, but it was thought to be carried out by Uighur extremists from China.
Click and Match
- focus, hearth, hotbed
- очаг
- gardener
- садовник
- to burst, to burst in
- врываться, ворваться на куда-нибудь
- embassy
- посольство
- pit, hole
- яма
- in soccer: friendly (adj).
- товарищеский
- everywhere, around
- всюду
- suicide bomber
- смертник
- to blow up, to detonate, to explode (reflexive)
- взрываться, взорваться
- column, pillar
- столб