Tensions Escalate between Fatah and Hamas
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On November 11, BBC Arabic reported that Hamas officials have criticized a recent speech by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accusing the U.S.-designated terrorist organization of being behind to recent bombings in Gaza against Fatah leaders. The internal Palestinian divisions come soon after the two sides agreed to form a conciliatory government during the summer.
Click and Match
- overcoming, surmounting
- تَغَلُّب على
- rapprochement
- مصالحة
- the coming of the rain
- مجيئ المطر
- material (superficial) damage
- أضرار مادية
- lies
- أكاذيب
- extorting
- ابتزاز
- to control (hegemonic)
- هَيْمَنَ ، يُهَيْمِنُ
- heated (angry) comments
- تصريحات غاضبة
- the sole loser
- الخاسر الوحيد
- (here) strong tone
- لَهْجَة شديدة