Syrian Opposition Agrees on Framework for Peace Talks
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On December 10, BBC Arabic reported that Syrian opposition politicians and rebels meeting in Riyadh issued a statement laying out the framework for peace talks with the Syrian government. Above all, the statement stressed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his aides could have no role in the transition phase.
Click and Match
- transitional phase, stage
- مرحلة انتقالية
- to call for
- دعا إلى ، يدعو إلى
- to conduct negotiations
- أَجْرَى مفاوضات ، يُجْرِي
- transcript(s)
- نسخة ، نسخ
- to distinguish
- مَيَّزَ ، يُمَيِّز
- a political solution
- حَل سياسي
- opposition factions
- فصائل المعارضة
- to conflict
- ُتَضَارَبَ ، يَتَضَارَب
- approval, consent
- موافقة
- their demands
- مطالبهم