Syrian Antiques Being Sold Openly in Lebanon
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On July 26, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported that antiques from Aleppo and Damascus are making their way into public auctions and being sold at cheap prices in Beirut and Tripoli (Lebanon). Some of the items are being sold by well-to-do Syrian families who find themselves in financial need due to the ongoing conflict, and vendors do not see an issue with selling them. Other items appear to be the result of pillaging, plunder, and theft, and the proceeds are destined for IS.
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- to import
- اسْتَوْرَدَ ، يَسْتَوْرِدُ
- pottery
- فخاريات
- church(es)
- كنيسة ، كنائس
- to multiply, to become numerous
- تَعَدَّدَ ، يَتَعَدَّدُ
- antique, historical, heritage (adj.)
- أثري
- intensification
- اشتداد
- to become serious, to become aggravated (exacerbated)
- اسْتَفْحَلَ ، يَسْتَفْحِلُ
- and the resulting...
- وما تلاه من
- manuscripts
- مخطوطات
- trading
- تداول