Successful Brain Tumor Operation in Kirkuk
Lesson Brief
Al Sumaria
On December 6, Al Sumaria reported on a successful brain tumor removal operation at a hospital in Kirkuk, in which the medical team removed the tumor through the nose, without opening the skull. This was the first operation of its kind in Kirkuk.
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- the first operation of its kind
- العملية الأولى من نوعها
- the genetic factor
- العامل الوراثي
- surgery
- عملية جراحية
- a rare and difficult operation
- عملية نادرة وصعبة
- contributing factors
- عوامل مساعدة
- patient(s)
- مريض ، مُرْضَى
- an infant
- طفل رضيع
- a specialized medical team
- فريق طبي متخصص
- tumor(s)
- ورم ، أورام
- opening the skull
- فَتْح اَلْجُمْجُمَة