Song: Она не вышла замуж, By: Чиж & Co

Lesson Brief Chizh Official Site
The band "Чиж & Co" was formed in St. Petersburg at the end of 1993 and in 1994 became famous when they received special recognition from the judges at a Russian rock festival called "Generation 94." They went onto record 13 albums and are considered Russian rock n' roll legends. The song in this set, "Она не вышла замуж," describes a relationship between a woman and a rock musician she is seeing on and off. Despite have come crude words, the song paints a good picture of the 1990s St. Petersburg and often cynical and dreary life in 90's Russia. It is one of my favorite Russian rock songs from the 1990s! NOTE: There are several crude/strong words in this song. Take the test here!  
Unknown - TV performance circa 1994

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