Shuffling the Elite?
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian Service
It was announce this week that the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, will be resigning from his post as the head of the company. There is speculation that he will run for a spot on the Federation Council. The reason for his resignation is still unknown and theories are plentiful: he wants Duma immunity, there is a reshuffling of the elite, he is just too old, he broke the new social contract as an oligarch, etc. The fact is, no one actually knows the details yet.
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- equilibrium, balance
- равновесие
- unquenchable
- негасимый
- inability to be removed
- несменяемость
- to arrange, to organize, to establish
- устраивать, устроить
- responsibility
- ответственность
- exposure, disclosure
- разоблачение
- untouchable, immune
- неприкасаемый
- to allow, to admit, to concede
- допускать, допустить
- to fall out of the cage (to fall out of favor)
- выпасть из обоймы
- noticeable, marked
- заметный