Shark Attacks and Australia’s Tourism Industry
Lesson Brief
A series of shark attacks in Australia have begun to bite into the country's tourism sector, as many potential tourists fear what could await them in the country's famed surfing waters. The attacks have led to the deployment of controversial shark nets at certain beaches aimed at saving lives and protecting the country's reputation as a tourist destination. The attached video is an Arabic-language news report about a deadly shark attack off the coast of Australia.
Suggested Set: United States investigates whale deaths
Video Vocabulary:
ابتلع ، يبتلع | To swallow | بموجب القانون | Per the law |
خالية من المصطافين | Free of vacationers | شرح ، يشرح | To explain |
مارس ، يمارس | To practice | بحسرة | Painfully, with a sigh |
ركوب الأمواج | surfing | بأم عينه | With his own eyes |
في ظرف عام | Within a year | على متن | On-board |
النقاش | Debate, discussion | دراجة مائية | A jet ski |
صيد | Fishing, hunting | اِقْتَرَبْتُ من | I approached |
بعض الأنواع السمكية | Some fish species | الجثة العائمة | The floating body, corpse |
انتشال الجثة | Grabbing, recovering the body | لم تبق | (here) nothing remained |
على السطح | On the surface | الدماء | Blood |
قائمة ضحايا | A list of victims | مميتة | Deadly (f) |
التخلص من | Getting rid of | الخبراء | Experts |
الرياضات البحرية | Water sports |