Sergei Lavrov Finds Common Goals between Russia and the US
Lesson Brief
Независимая Газета
Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, sat down with member of three major radio stations on Wednesday to talk about foreign affairs. Among other issue, Lavrov mentioned Russia's partnership with China, Russia's hopes and disappointments from the U.S., and Russia's role in the Middle East (Syria and Yemen).
-This article contains several difficult and important verbs. Lavrov's register is more formal and provides good practice for those who listen to the speeches of politicians and diplomats.
Click and Match
- foreign, alien, strange
- чужой
- to rephrase
- перефразировать
- to converse, to talk
- беседовать
- to burn oneself
- обжигаться
- to check, to verify
- проверять, проверить
- native (of), emigrant, migrant
- выходец
- to discard, to reject, to cast away
- отбрасывать, отбросить
- affirmation, approval
- утверждение
- to introduce, to bring in
- внести, вносить
- productively
- плодотворно