Saudi-led coalition resumes campaign in Yemen
Lesson Brief
Al Jazeera
On August 9, Al Jazeera reported that a Saudi-led coalition resumed its bombing campaign in Yemen, even hitting parts of the capital Sanaa, which until now has been largely spared from coalition bombing. The coalition is targeting the Houthi rebel group that control the capital. Bombing resumed after cease-fire talks collapsed on Saturday.
Click and Match
- ceasefire
- وَقْف إطلاق النار
- to shake
- ّهَزَّ ، يَهُز
- violent explosions
- انفجارات عنيفة
- to launch a raid
- شَنَّ غارة ، يَشُنّ غارة
- military camps
- معسكرات
- anti-aircraft
- مضاد للطائرات
- to target
- ُاِسْتَهْدَفَ ، يَسْتَهْدِف
- coalition raids
- غارات للتحالف
- controlling
- السيطرة على
- suspending flights
- تعليق الرحلات الجوية