Saudi Arabia Presents Draft Resolution on Blashphemy to UN

Lesson Brief Al Sharq Al Awsat
On January 26, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported that Saudi Arabia has presented a draft resolution to the UN Human Rights Council calling for limits on freedom of expression. In light of Charlie Hebdo's second depiction of the Prophet Mohammed on its cover, the Kingdom wants the council to consider measures to ensure that freedom of expression and the press does not apply to religion and that insulting religions be placed outside the bounds of protected speech. The council has agreed to discuss the matter and eventually vote on the proposed resolution. The resolution claims to speak on behalf of all religions, not just Islam. Saudi Arabia, which does not allow the free practice of any religion other than Islam within its borders, has been under international scrutiny for the imprisonment and flogging of a Saudi blogger who promoted open religious discussion. The debate over tolerance versus freedom of expression has raged in the Middle East since the Charlie Hebdo attacks; the attached video is a sample of some of the arguments made.
France 24 Arabic

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