Russian Ambassador to Turkey Assassinated
Lesson Brief
The Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, was assassinated in Ankara on Monday while giving a speech at a photo exhibition. The assailant was a member of the security services in Turkey and during his attack he invoked the events unfolding in Syria.
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Video Vocabulary:
انتقام | vengeance | تبادل لإطلاق النار | A shootout |
على وشك | On the verge of | افتتاح | Opening, inauguration |
استعادتها | Reclaiming it | متحف الفن الحديث | Museum of Modern Art |
بدعم من | With support from | بالتعاون | Jointly, in conjunction with |
ينتمي إلى | He belongs to | اجتماع مزمع | A planned meeting |
في مصالح | In the interest of | لإجراء مباحثات | To hold talks |
الحماية المقربة | Close protection | طوّق ، يطوّق | To surround |
شخصيات هامة | Important figures | اعتداءات آخرى | Other attacks, assaults |