Russian Ambassador to Turkey Assassinated

Lesson Brief DW
The Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, was assassinated in Ankara on Monday while giving a speech at a photo exhibition. The assailant was a member of the security services in Turkey and during his attack he invoked the events unfolding in Syria. Suggested Set: Italy Summons Egypt’s Ambassador Over Student’s Death Video Vocabulary:
انتقام vengeance تبادل لإطلاق النار A shootout
على وشك On the verge of افتتاح Opening, inauguration
استعادتها Reclaiming it متحف الفن الحديث Museum of Modern Art
بدعم من With support from بالتعاون Jointly, in conjunction with
ينتمي إلى He belongs to اجتماع مزمع A planned meeting
في مصالح In the interest of لإجراء مباحثات To hold talks
الحماية المقربة Close protection طوّق ، يطوّق To surround
شخصيات هامة Important figures اعتداءات آخرى Other attacks, assaults

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