Robbery in Baghdad
Lesson Brief
Al Sumaria
On September 29, Al Sumaria reported a robbery in northern Baghdad by armed militants who escaped by motorcycle. The robbers made away with an estimated $100,000 and the Iraqi police have opened their investigation. The article noted that robberies, attacks, and other forms of violence have been an occurrence from time to time in the city.
Click and Match
- circumstances
- ملابسات
- to stand behind it
- وَقَفَ وراءه ، يقف وراءه
- amount(s)
- مَبْلَغ , مَبَالِغ
- a money/foreign exchange
- مَحَلّ صيرفة
- every now and then
- بين الحين والآخر
- what results in
- ما يسفر عن
- to notify
- أفاد ، يُفييد
- to open an investigation
- فَتَحَ تحقيقا، يَفْتَح
- car bombs
- سيارات مفخخة
- to request anonymity
- طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه, يطلب