Right Wing Rally in Rabin Square

Lesson Brief Ynet
On March 15th, Ynet reported on the right-wing rally that occurred in Rabin Square. Naftali Bennett, Benjamin Netanyahu, Meir Porush, Eli Yishai, and other politically right politicians spoke at the rally. Bennett emphasized the effect of a weak "Jewish Home" party, pointing out that a weak voiced party allowed for the disengagement from Gaza. A coupe of singers were invited to the event to perform, however the elections committee prohibited them from doing so. Interestingly, the WAZE smartphone application informed users which streets would be closed. In this set, take notice that סרט is used to mean "ribbon" as opposed to "movie". Also you can see the root for דגל - "flag" in the word לדגול ב, דוגל which means "to support or espouse (an idea, plan)" which is similar to waving a flag in support of the idea.
Knesset Channel

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