Raising Camels in Oman and Gaza

Lesson Brief arab48.com
Raising camels has been a tradition in the Middle East for thousands of years and is still kept alive by Bedouin across the region, including in Oman and Gaza. For many Bedouin, camels represent a source of sustenance and maintaining lines of lineage a source of pride. The article for this set tells the story of a camel breeder in Gaza and details the hardships he endures to care for his camels as well as his pride in his livestock. The attached video is a short report about a camel breeder in Oman. Suggested Set: Arabian Horse Championship Video Vocabulary:
عشق Passion, love أغنام Sheep, livestock
تغنى بها ، يتغنى بها To sing praises إطعام feeding
أشعار poems خبرة Experience, expertise
مصدر رزق Sustenance خبير من انواعها An expert of sorts
عناية بها / رعاية Caring for تطور الحياة المدنية The evolution of civilian life
مربي الإبل A camel raiser, breeder هواية hobby
انتفاع Utilizing, using    
لحوم (here) meat  

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