Qatari Hospital Specializes in Treating Falcons- علاج الصقور
Lesson Brief
Only in Doha, Qatar can you find a hospital that specializes in the treatment of hawks/falcons. The popular Gulf sport led to the establishment of the Souq Waqif Falcon Hospital in which Falconry enthusiasts from around the world travel to see that their prized animals receive top notch medical care.
Click and Match
- to be established
- تأسس, يتأسس
- treatment of falcons/hawks
- علاج الصقور
- gradual growth
- تنامي
- to suffer from
- عانى من, يُعَانِي من
- replacing some feathers
- استبدال بعض الريش
- respiratory system
- الجهاز التنفسي
- comprehensive examanation
- فَحْص شامل
- (here) breed
- سُلَالَة
- checking on
- الاطمئنان على
- money, amounts of cash
- مَبَالِغ نَقْدِيَّة