Qatar Airlines: From Doha to Auckland
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On February 6, BBC Arabic reported on Qatar Airways completion of the longest recorded direct flight from Doha to Auckland, New Zealand. The trip lasted 16 hours and 2o minutes and traversed 14, 535 km. The plane announced its landing with a tweet, stating "we have officially landed in Auckland.
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Video Vocabulary:
نام ، ينام | To sleep | ارتاح ، يرتاح | To relax |
استمتع ، يستمتع | To enjoy | مشجع | A fan |
تفاصيلها | Its details | توقيع | (here) autograph |
افلام | films | لاعب مفضل | Favorite player |
حضّر ، يحضّر | To prepare | سحر الكلمات | Magic words |
طبق ، اطباق | Dish(es) | هدية ، هدايا | Gift(s) |
طلب من ، يطلب من | (here) to order | اقصى شرق | Far East |
اركب ، يركب | To ride | ادارة اعمالك | Managing your business |
ليس له مثيل | It has no parallel | المجيء الى هنا | Coming here |
معا | together |