Putin Visits Iran
Lesson Brief
Russian president Vladimir Putin made a state visit to Iran on Tuesday to discuss several topics. It is his first visit to Iran in eight years. The pressing topics on the list are the coalition to fight the Islamic State, as well as the future of gas transport and pipelines. As the crisis in Syria gets deeper, Russia and Iran will have to marry their somewhat opposing views on the future of Syria.
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- settlement, arrangement
- урегулирование
- reduction, decline, drop, fall
- снижение
- high-level (adj.)
- высокопоставленный
- commodity turnover/circulation
- товарооборот
- to visit, to call on, to attend
- посещать, посетить
- growing, strengthening (adj.)
- усиливающийся
- like (preposition)
- наподобие
- competitor
- конкурент
- edition, publication
- издание
- to avoid, to shun
- сторониться