Protests in Beirut over tax increase
Lesson Brief
DW Arabic
On March 19, DW Arabic reported that thousands demonstrated in Beirut over a proposed bill that would authorize the increase of taxes, aimed at avoiding a $4 billion deficit and paying government sector salaries. The protesters waved Lebanese flags while chanting "we will not pay" and blame corruption within the government for its current predicament.
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Video Vocabulary:
لمواجهة الفساد | To combat corruption | العيش الكريم | A good life |
مؤسسات الدولة | State institutions | مستنقعات | Quagmires / swamps |
عجز عن ، يعجز عن | To be unable to | الغرق | drowning |
ضغوط شعبية | Popular pressure | عصيان مدني | Civil disobedience |
استرجاع | recovering | مطالبهم | Their demands |