President Obama Indicates Prolonged Campaign in Iraq
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On August 9, BBC Arabic reported that U.S. President Barack Obama stated on Saturday that the U.S. military and humanitarian aid campaign in Iraq would be a long-term effort. While the limited scope of the campaign remains in effect, the president said that operations would last more than a couple weeks.
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- remote mountains
- الجِبال النائِيَة
- long-term
- طَويل الأَمَد
- to continue, to go on
- مَضَى ، يَمْضي
- strategic interest
- مَصْلَحَة اِسْتْراتيجِيَّة
- to overcome
- التَّغَلُّب عَلَى
- national unity government
- حُكومَةُ وَحْدَة وَطَنِيَّة
- breaking the blockade
- فَكّ الحِصار
- re-stabilizing
- إعادَةُ الاِسْتِقْرار
- minorities
- أَقَلِّيّات
- to add
- أَضَافَ ، يُضيفُ