Polls Show Favor After Netanyahu’s Congressional Address

Lesson Brief NRG
On March 4, NRG reported on the poll by Channel 10 news taken after Netanyahu's speech in front of the US Congress. According to the poll, Netanyahu's Likud party gained two more parliament seats bringing it to a tie with the Zionist Camp. They both now stand at 23 seats although another poll puts the Zionist Camp in the lead by one seat. Most other parties either gained a seat or maintained their previous seats, with the exception of the Jewish Home, Naftali Bennett's party, which lost one seat. The United Arab List is holding its place as the third largest party, according to a survey from Channel 2 news. Additionally, Shas recommended to the president of Israel to appoint Netanyahu as the next prime minister, a decision that the president can make even if Likud does not gain more seats than the Zionist Camp.

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