Petroleum Eyeing Share in Indian Refinery
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On September 4th, Asharq Alawsat reported that the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation is seeking to acquire a major share in India's Paradip refinery and to sign a deal to become its largest crude oil supplier. The move comes amid a growing demand in the U.S. for shale oil and India's expansion in refinery services.
Click and Match
- renting
- استئجار
- joint project
- مشروع مشترك
- it was not possible to
- لم يتسنَّ
- in order to (with the objective of)
- بغرض
- to keep
- احتفظ ، يحتفظُ بِه
- processing, treating
- معالجة
- petrochemical plant
- مصنع البتروكيماويات
- storage facilities
- منشآت التخزين
- chairman of the board
- رئيس مجلس الإدارة
- declining (shrinking) demand
- تقلُّص طلب