Part III: The Missing Technology of Ancient Egypt
Lesson Brief
Al Jazeera
For thousands of years, the wonders of ancient Egypt such as the pyramids and the Sphinx have captivated the imagination of mankind. To this day, questions loom as to how ancient civilization was able to construct monuments with a level of precision and accuracy that has yet to be matched by modern man. Even more puzzling is the age of these ancient monuments, which some hypothesize may stretch back 10,000 years.
Part I
Part II
Click and Match
- to remain among them
- لَبِثَ فِيهِمْ ، يَلْبَثُ فِيهِمْ
- super measurements
- قياسات فائقة
- accomplishment(s)
- إنجاز ، إنجازات
- to arrange / was arranged
- ْرَتَّبَ ، يُرَتِّب / رُتِّبَت
- riddle(s)
- لُغْز ، ألغاز
- to range
- تَراوَحَ ، يَتَراوَح
- genius(es)
- عبقري ، عباقرة
- to compare
- قارَنَ ، يُقارِن
- perfect, exact
- مضبوط
- longevity and height
- طُول العمر وطُول القامة