Part III: The Madaya Crisis

Lesson Brief BBC Arabic
On January 12, BBC Arabic reported a United Nation's a statement that 400 people in the Syrian town of Madaya are facing death unless they are quickly evacuated. Madaya, controlled by Syrian opposition militants, has been besieged by Syrian regime forces since July. On Monday, Madaya received its first aid shipment in months, bringing much-needed food and other supplies to the starving population. This is Part III of a four-part set that will prepare you to read the BBC Arabic article in its entirety. This set will take you through تفرضه قوات الحكومة السورية وحلفاؤه Part I Part II Part IV Here is some additional vocabulary not included in the flashcards:
دَفْعَة ، دَفْعات batch(es), installment(s) تشرين الأول October
وَصَلَ ، يَصِلُ / وُصُول to arrive / arrival أَخَذَ ، يآخُذُ / أَخْذ to take / taking
لأول مرة for the first time عالمي global
منتصف middle برنامج ، برامج program(s)
غذاء food لمدة for a period of
أَرْسَلَ ، يُرْسِلُ / إِرْسال to send / sending حَصَلَ على ، يَحْصُلُ / حُصُول على to receive, receiving
عدد قليل a small number إذن ، أذونات permission(s)
أَدارَ ، يُدِير / إدارة to administer / administration بواسطة through, by
هلال ، أَهِلَّة crescent(s) نَقَلَ ، يَنْقُلُ / نَقْل to transport / transportation
مادة ، مواد material(s) غير أن However
لَيْسَتْ كافية It wasn't enough (f) أُسْرَة ، أُسَر family, families
صُورَة ، صُوَر picture(s) تصريح ، تصريحات statement(s)
مُوَظَّف worker, employee لَحْم Meat
أَرْنَب ، أرانب rabbit(s) رَفَضَ ، يَرْفِض to refuse

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