Part II: Terror Victim Overcomes Trauma To Achieve Her Dream

Lesson Brief Ynet
On January 15, Ynet reported on the young Israeli woman, Hadar Klein, who was wounded in the recent shooting attack at a Tel Aviv pub and how she is overcoming her trauma to fulfill her dream. Klein was celebrating with friends at the bar when she heard the shots and her friend rushed her inside. She was shot in the leg during the attack. According to the article, the injury and attack postponed the grand opening of Klein's pilates and yoga studio, but the studio is now open and she is determined to push forward and achieve her dreams. Part I Additional Vocabulary:
לְהִישָׁמַע , נִשמַע To be heard לעַצמִי To myself
לִדחוֹף , דוחף / דחיפה To push / a push לִפְעָמִים Sometimes
כַּנִראֶה Probably, apparently כמו שצריך Properly
לִפְחוֹד , פּוחד / פַּחַד To fear / fear אָמנָם Indeed, truly
לעצום את העיניים To close your eyes מַדְהִים Amazing
בְּמֶשֶך (here) for דרך ארוכה A long way
לְעֶבֶר towards בתוכי Inside me
עברו לי מלא מחשבות בראש Many thoughts crossed my mind עָצָב  , עֲצַבִּים Nerve(s)
מצד אחד On one side לְהַצְלִיחַ , מַצְלִיחַ / הַצלָחָה To succeed / success
לִמְנוֹעַ , מונע To prevent עַל פִּי According to

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