Part II: Poverty stricken Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon
Lesson Brief
Al Watan Voice
On January 26, Al Watan Voice reported on a report released by the British Parliament about poverty in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. The report details the escalating poverty crisis raging in the refugee camps for decades, which has intensified with the influx of Syrian refugees and the lack of UNRRA funding. Other factors contributing to the crisis include that Palestinian refugees are not authorized to work or own property in Lebanon.
Part I
Additional Vocabulary:
سياسي |
political |
بامتياز |
In particular, |
وعلى |
And it is incumbent upon |
قسم ، اقسام |
Department(s) |
تجاههم |
(here) to them |
الأمرين |
Two issues |
صرح ، يصرح |
To state, declare |
Click and Match
- different places
- أماكِن مختلفة
- to speak
- ُتَحَدَثَ ، يَتَحَدَّث
- media campaigns
- الحملات الإعلامية
- to threaten
- هَدَّدَ ، يُهَدِّد
- implementing the right of return
- تطبيق حق العودة
- a decent life, a dignified life
- الحياة الكريمة
- immigration
- الهجرة
- expulsion and arrest
- الطرد والاعتقال
- to force
- أَضْطَرَ ، يُضْطِر
- to suffer from
- عانَى ، يُعانِي من