Part II: Israeli Startup Spotlight: iAngels
Lesson Brief
Israel is home to a vibrant and budding technology and start-up industry that is recognized around the world. In this set, we will be spotlighting the Israeli start-up iAngels, which was founded by entrepreneurs Mor Assia and Shelly Hod-Moyal. The company enables private investors to co-invest with Israel’s angel investor network in promising Israeli start-ups.
Part I
Additional Vocabulary:
יַחֲסִי | Relative, relatively | בְּעוֹד | while |
בְּעֶצֶם | Actually, in fact | גִישָׁה | access |
כְּדַאי | worthwhile | מֶרֶץ | Vigor, spirit, energy |
מאחורי | behind | לְמַעֲשֶׂה | Actually, in fact |
משלימות אחת את השנייה | They complete one another | לְהַסבִּיר , מַסבִּיר | To explain |
יועצת | Advisor (f) | לשמור על | To watch over |
תַפְקִיד דוֹמֶה | A similar role | שׁוּק | market |
בֵּין הַיֵתֶר | Among other things | לְהֶאֱמִין , מַאֲמִין | To believe |
שָׁלָב מִתקַדֵם | Advanced stage | המו"מ / מַשָׂא וּמַתָן | Negotiations |
בְּדֶרֶך כְּלַל | generally, | פחות או יותר | More or less |
בסופו של דבר | In the end | בְּהֶתְאֵם ל | In accordance with |
לצורך העניין | For that matter | דמים | fees |