Part II: Israeli Startup Spotlight: iAngels

Lesson Brief Globes
Israel is home to a vibrant and budding technology and start-up industry that is recognized around the world. In this set, we will be spotlighting the Israeli start-up iAngels, which was founded by entrepreneurs Mor Assia and Shelly Hod-Moyal. The company enables private investors to co-invest with Israel’s angel investor network in promising Israeli start-ups. Part I Additional Vocabulary:
יַחֲסִי Relative, relatively בְּעוֹד while
בְּעֶצֶם Actually, in fact גִישָׁה access
כְּדַאי worthwhile מֶרֶץ Vigor, spirit, energy
מאחורי behind לְמַעֲשֶׂה Actually, in fact
משלימות אחת את השנייה They complete one another לְהַסבִּיר , מַסבִּיר To explain
יועצת Advisor (f) לשמור על To watch over
תַפְקִיד דוֹמֶה A similar role שׁוּק market
בֵּין הַיֵתֶר Among other things לְהֶאֱמִין , מַאֲמִין To believe
שָׁלָב מִתקַדֵם Advanced stage המו"מ / מַשָׂא וּמַתָן Negotiations
בְּדֶרֶך כְּלַל generally, פחות או יותר More or less
בסופו של דבר In the end בְּהֶתְאֵם ל In accordance with
לצורך העניין For that matter דמים fees
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