Part II: Education in Egypt
Lesson Brief
On January 20th, VetoGate reported a UNICEF statement that the private sector could support the education sector in Egypt. According to the UN official, the education rate in the Arab world has increased by 21 percent. The UNICEF website states that Egypt has expanded access to basic education and closed the gap between boys’ and girls’ enrollment. The article noted, however, that the Egyptian education is facing a number of problems, including overcrowding in classes, bullying, and a lack of human resources.
Part I
Additional Vocabulary:
مشكلة ، مشاكل | Problem(s) | حسن ، يحسن / تحسين | to improve / improving |
تلخيص | Summary, summarization | الخدمات العامة | public services, general services |
بعض | some | قطاع الصحة | health sector |
بجانب | Alongside, next to | في المتوسط | on average |
موجود | Present, found | إمكانية | Possibility |
عنف | violence | الاتحاد الاوربي | The European Union |
ضد | Against | بدعم من | Supported by |
طبقا له / وفقا ل | According to | تدريب | Training |
مؤشر، مؤشرات | Indicator(s) | عرضة ل | Prone to |
بشري | Human (adj) | وضع ، يضع / وضع | To put, place / placing |
مورد ، موارد | Resource(s) | ابتكاري | innovative |
انضباطي | Disciplinary | الإنفاق | Spending |
معيار، معايير | Standard(s) | باعتبارها | As |
موضحا أن / وأشار إلى أن | Pointing out that, Pointed out that | بوتيرة | Pace |
فقير | Poor, lacking | فترات سابقة | Prior periods |
نمو | Growth | طفل ، اطفال | Child, children |
متسارع | Accelerated | جديد ، جدد | New (s and pl) |
Click and Match
- to put pressure, to strain
- شكّل ضغطا ، يشكّل ضغطا
- to be summarized in
- تلخّص في ، يتلخّص في
- human resources
- الموارد البشرية
- nature of the problem
- طبيعة المشكلة
- renouncing violence
- نبذ العنف
- awareness campaigns
- الحملات التوعيوية
- poverty
- الفقر
- category, categories
- فئة ، فئات
- disciplinary standards
- المعايير الانضباطية
- to rely on / reliance
- إعتمد على ، يعتمد على / اعتماد