Part I: The long road to women’s rights in Saudi Arabia
Lesson Brief
Human Rights Watch
In 2014, Human Rights Watch reported on the long road towards women's rights in Saudi Arabia. The article noted that after four Saudi princesses had been confined to their homes by family members, the Saudi authorities rushed to contain the resulting damage by claiming that they would be issuing an important statement regarding women's rights before the UN. However, the statement never came and instead the Saudi government stressed the many small steps it has taken to improve women's rights. As of December 2015, Saudi women had been elected to municipal councils; however, women in the country still face many equal rights obstacles. The attached video reports on a campaign to stop violence against women.
This set will take you through جميع مناحي الحياة" بالنسبة للنساء
Part II
Part III
Additional Vocabulary:
أميرة |
princess | فرد ، أفراد |
Individual(s) |
حق، حقوق |
Right(s) | عائلة ، عائلات |
Family, families |
مرأة ، نساء |
Woman, women | سارع ، يسارع |
To hurry |
عندما |
when | هذا الأمر |
This matter |
في وقت سابق |
earlier | صحيفة ، صحف |
Newspaper(s) |
الشهر الجاري |
This month | بصدد |
In the process of |
منزل ، منازل |
Home(s) | في غضون |
within |
على أيدي |
At the hands of | بضعة أيام |
Several days |
لذا في |
So in.. | حين |
When |
جنبا إلى جنب |
Side by side | العديد من |
Many of |
بدلا من ذلك |
Instead of that | اتخذ يتخذ |
To take |
تجاه |
towards | أشار إلى أن |
He indicated |
لتحسين |
To improve | بالنسبة |
For |
Click and Match
- human rights record
- سِجِل حقوق الانسان
- concrete steps
- خطوات ثابتة
- containing the resulting damage
- احتواء الأضرار الناتجة
- confinement
- حَبْس
- princesses or poor women
- أميرات أَم فقيرات
- (here) to present / presenting
- عَرُضَ ، يَعْرُض / عَرْض
- whether...or
- سواء أَم
- to communicate with
- تَواصَلَ مع ، يَتَواصَلُ مع
- the long road, way
- الطريق الطويل
- to talk about
- للحديث عن