Part I: Education in Egypt

Lesson Brief vetogate
On January 20th, VetoGate reported a UNICEF statement that the private sector could support the education sector in Egypt. According to the UN official, the education rate in the Arab world has increased by 21 percent.  The UNICEF website states that Egypt has expanded access to basic education and closed the gap between boys’ and girls’ enrollment. The article noted, however, that the Egyptian education is facing a number of problems, including overcrowding in classes, bullying, and a lack of human resources. This set will take you through والاهتمام بالمعلمين Part II Additional Vocabulary:
قِطاع ، قِطاعات Sector(s)
بنحو By about
أَضافَ ، يُضِيف / إضافة To add / addition
الرئيس التنفيذي CEO
نَظَّمَ ، يُنَظِّمُ / تنظيم To organize / organization
أَوْضَحَ ، يُوْضِح / إيضاح To clarify / clarification
بَلَغَ ، يَبْلُغ To reach
مشيرا إلى أن Indicating that
وَصَلَ ، يَصِل / وُصُول To reach, arrive / reaching
بنسبة (here) by
أمر ، أمور Matter(s)
Alghad Alarabi

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